Brayden CPR Manikin - Advanced Model - Single

The ultimate purpose of performing CPR is to maintain a flow of oxygenated blood artificially into the brain during cardiac arrest, to prevent brain damage until professional help arrives.  BRAYDEN is the first CPR Manikin ever to display visual flow of blood from the heart to the brain during  CPR. Furthermore, with the aid of  BRAYDEN , students will not only easily learn how to execute proper and correct CPR, but will also help to remember the ultimate purpose and vital importance of correct and proper CPR.


These illuminate to represent the volume of blood being circulated by the chest compressions. This volume depends on the depth of compressions. These will only fully light when the depth of compressions is over 5cm in line with the 2010 CPR Guidelines.


These illuminate to represent the flow of blood from the heart to the brain. The speed of the blood flow shown varies according to the depth and speed of the compressions. These will only fully light once the rate of compressions is over 100 per minute.


This illuminates to represent that blood is reaching the brain. This will only fully light when the depth and speed of the compressions are correct.

These 3 indicators will show you exactly how well you are performing CPR, they can tell you if the rate and depth are fast, shallow or slow.

Additional Features:

  • Realistic head tilt and chin lift for opening airway
  • Highly realistic chest rise with correct ventilations
  • Oral and nasal passages allow realistic nose pinch
  • Anatomical landmarks including sternum, ribcage, sternal notch and xiphisternum
  • Quick and easy to clean
  • Audible feedback reinforces correct compression depth (Clicker ON/OFF)


Click here to read our Brayden CPR Manikin Brochure

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